Click here to download this issue of Key Matters magazine, featuring:
Service Matters
- The latest statistics from SafeDeposits Scotland
Have You Heard - the latest news from SafeDeposits Scotland and the wider private rented sector
- Trio of Citizens Advice Bureaux Awarded Grants by SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust
- New Faces in Parliament for Housing and Tenants' Rights
- Change to EPC Requirements
SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust
- Case study on Blairgowrie & Rattray Development Trust
Spotlight On...
- Perth & Kinross
Adjudication Digest
- This issue's case studies have been prepared by Adjudication Advisor Samantha Gardner
Preparing for Pets
- Resolution Manager Paula Guthrie takes a closer look at a hot topic in the private rented sector
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SafeDeposits Scotland Limited is a company registered in Scotland with number 405020